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During the Summer of my Second year of University, I was fortunate enough to get work experience with the highly talented and patient Sahar Freemantle, the milliner behind Sahar Millinery. For three weeks, I learnt new methods of blocking and making hats, new hand sewing techniques, developed my hand sewing, learnt new methods of trimming, and learnt so much about millinery in an industry environment. One of the projects I helped work on was hats for a Japanese department store and Japanese British trade fair, for which I mainly helped block, finish off and trims hats, such as the one below, which was a recurring hat shape. As a present for my help, Sahar and I blocked this hat for me to have a reminder of the work experience. It is a burgundy capeline that was blocked on a two in one piece block, hand wired and bound and then trimmed with a simple petersham piece.
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